NEWS UPDATE - The Midshipman's Blog has been updated following the sad news of the sudden passing of Vice Admiral Sir Clive Johnstone on the 12 May 2024.

End of Exercise, End of Exercise - return and restow all dits - stand by for 2025.

Latest Midshipmans Blog update 9 October 2022

Thank you to all who made the weekend a great one, poignant in many ways but it was a cracking opportunity to catch up with old shipmates, share some laughter and enjoy the Devonian Indian Summer. No wet weather routine required.

That is it for this year. The Team (suitably refreshed) will be back with news of plans for 2025 and the BIG FOUR OH in due course. Date still to be finalised but we expect it again to be some time in September 2025.

We will continue keep everyone informed of news and progress via our Main Broadcast Emails and the Midshipman's Blog section of the website. Check back when you can and keep in touch. 

A number of folk spoke about people who still don't seem to know that the website is here and that there is a constant online presence and email address for the reunion - keep passing it on.

Thank you all again, the Safeguard Rule is no longer in force.....

Yours Aye,

Keith Broughton
Tony Carruthers 
Neil Grice 
Kev Hood

Wardroom Mess Treasurer
Wiggy Bennett